Sunday, April 10, 2011

Call us Cinderella...

When it comes to web design, all we need is The Right Shoe.
(we'll let you guess which one we chose for our website header)

Walk the Walk DC - We're not your traditional approach to homelessness
'Cause we know that not everything requires federal spending (take that, Boehner!)
Email to get involved. Visit and check us out!

One step at a time...

Walk the Walk DC is getting up and running. But we have to say, it takes a lot to find your strut. Every little detail counts: website design, marketing, branding, email, domain, blog, facebook, twitter, sponsorships, 501(c) 3 status, tax ID number, and all the little things you don't even think about. What's more, you always hope that the process will get done faster than they actually can be.

So our first blog is up and strutting and we're learning that they can be just as engrossing and entangling as the next thing. After all, there's a lot to be said about Walk the Walk DC.  Thankfully, that "something to be said" can be left up to the experts -- Leave it to Marshall to help us understand  how Walk the Walk DC gets its groove on and how nobody talks the talk on DC homelessness more creatively than we can.

Walk the Walk DC started with the idea that the simple things matter and that if we could provide those simple things to our DC homeless community -- such as access to music, food choices, and even something as apostrophoric in nature as national identity -- they will have a profound impact on people who collectively have the same positive reactions to the little things mentioned above.

So let's go ahead and do away with anything elaborate (i.e., we'll start by not using phrases like, "apostrophoric in nature...") and talk about the little things that matter to you, to me, and to our Walk the Walk DC community:

5 Things This Week That Inspired a Smile... And 1 Frustration
5. Set up a meeting with us lately? You should. This week Walk the Walk DC is meeting with some of DC's most notable names in community activism and social service to talk about our projects.

4. Came up with our 4th project on Monday morning! It can't be unveiled until the details have been hammered out, but when you're working with the little things that make individuals happy, it just so happens that ideas keep flowing!

3. A co-worker made brownies for a Tuesday staff meeting. Happy tastebuds reminded Walk the Walk DC of the uplifting power of food and the promise of our Culinary School Cook-Off at a local food kitchen this June!

2. Rejecting half our work at the drawing board this past weekend to get to some great the a-ha! moments:





1. Meeting spectacular people in the process of launching Walk the Walk DC. Below is a video of Richard, 39 - homeless in McPherson Square. After a house fire, Richard has been living in a local shelter while job searching. Email if you'd like to hear more about Richard and find out ways you can help! 

1 Frustration
We are putting out heart and souls into this project, so we are making an animated "About Us" for you, our supporters! What's hard: taking a series of drawings and making them an actual cartoon. Stay tuned!!

Walk the Walk DC team member at the drawing board.

Walk the Walk DC Walk the Walk DC isn't your traditional approach to homelessness, we're its bohemian 2nd cousin currently applying for 501(c)3 status. Email to get involved. Visit and check us out!